Very Rev. Archpriest Yaroslav Nalysnyk, MD, DMin.


Fr. Yaroslav Nalysnyk, son of Cornelia (Bulat) and Petro Nalysnyk, was born on August 4th, 1962 in the village of Stankiv, Stryj region, Lviv oblast, Ukraine. On April 30th, 1990 Fr. Yaroslav was secretly ordained by bishop Sophron (Dmyterko) OSBM in the underground Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church in Lviv, Ukraine. Before his ordination to the priesthood, Fr. Yaroslav studied medicine at the Lviv Medical Institute where he met his wife Luba. He also studied at the Military Medical Academy in Gorkij and served in the army as a military doctor (toxicologist/ epidemiologist of infectious diseases in the military division in Yavoriv/Lviv).

After serving for a short period of time as a pastor in Yavoriv, Prylbychi (the place of birth of Metropolitan Andrew Sheptycky) and later in Zolochiv/Pidhorodne (where he built a new church), Fr. Yaroslav was sent (incognito) by his bishop to the former Yugoslavia to serve as a spiritual director for the students/seminarians from Ukraine at the Dzakovo Theological School of Zagreb University. The war between Croatia and Serbia forced Fr. Yaroslav and the school (all faculty and students) to flee to Mattersburgh, Austria for safety.

Due to this political instability, Fr. Yaroslav was then sent by his bishop to the United States to finish his theological training. Upon arrival to this country in 1992, Fr. Yaroslav began to serve as an administrator of St. Mary’s Ukrainian Catholic Church in Willimantic, CT while pursuing a master’s degree at Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Cromwell. On July 15th, 1994, Fr. Yaroslav was appointed administrator and later pastor of Christ the King parish and subsequently Dean of Boston for Ukrainian Catholics. In addition to his parish ministry, Fr. Yaroslav serves as a part-time hospital chaplain and as a member of the ethics committee at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. In 2010, Fr. Yaroslav completed his doctoral studies with honors and defended his dissertation “From Brokenness to Wholeness: A Guidebook for Integrating Spiritual Practices and Mind Body Medicine in Congregational Health Ministry” at Andover Newton Theological School of the Boston Theological Institute Consortium.

Pastors Who Served the Ukrainian Catholic Community in Boston

Rev. Oleksa Pavliak1913 -1917 [Sacred Heart of Jesus (SHJ)]
Rev. Volodymyr Dovhovych 1917-1921 (SHJ)
Rev. Roman Zalitach 1921-1922 (SHJ)
Rev. Andriy Strotskyj 1922-1923 (SHJ)
Rev. Joseph Pelechovych 1922-1926 (SHJ)
Rev. Onufer Kovalsky 1926-1930 (SHJ)
Rev. Michael Bobersky 1940-1945 (Salem, MA and SHJ)
Rev. Basil Tremba 1941-1945 (Woonsocket, RI and SHJ)
Rev. Theodore Kocaba 1946, 1948 (SHJ and Salem, MA)
Rev. Gregory Tom 1947-1961 (SHJ)
Rev. Marian Kucher 1955-1956 (assistant priest at SHJ)
Rev. Lubomyr Mudry 1951 (assistant priest at SHJ)
Rev. Dmytro Fedasiuk 1952 (St. George’s)
Rev. Volodymyr Kozoriz 1955-1962 (St. George’s)
Rev. Msgr. Clement Preima 1962-1963 (St. George’s)
Rev. Paul Szuflat 1964-1967 (Salem, MA and St. George’s)
Rev. Emile Sharanevych 1961-1967 (SHJ)
Rev. Msgr. Stephen Chomko 1968-1973 (unites the Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. George’s Church into Christ the King Ukrainian Catholic Church)
Rev. Joseph Skulsky 1974-1976
Rev. Peter Ohirko 1975-1985
Deacon Bohdan Tarnawsky 1983-1989
Rev. Petro Dudiak 1985-1987
Rev. Alexander Kenez 1987-1991
Rev. Marian Struc 1992-1994
Rev. Yaroslav Nalysnyk 1994 – Present